About Us

Casapicco S.L
Who we are?
We are a company belonging to Casapicco S.L, dedicated to the development and distribution of high turnover technological and innovative products. Under the premise of expanding the possibilities of those who choose us, we enhance their independence and freedom with attractive, useful and quality products. Our extensive experience in the field allows us to offer profitable and lasting business relationships coordinating commercial and logistics actions for the entire region and promoting the generation of demand and direct sales to the final public.
Haxly Smartfilm hydrogel protector
It is our unit specialized in products for the protection and personalization of mobile devices. We offer a profitable business and we promote it with commercial and logistics actions that promote demand and direct sales to the final public.
Mobile devices protected per year
Stores with plotter haxly
Satisfaction rate
Our Proposal
We offer a business opportunity for your store with a practical and reliable mobile device protection generation system, designed to generate sales from day one.
With HAXLY, you have the best recovery period on the market, accessing a profitable and long-lasting business.
Why HAXLY was a better partner?


«Provedor confiable. Productos de buena calidad con excelentes precios. El servicio post venta es muy bueno, he comprado una máquina de protectores de hydrogel para mis tiendas de móviles y me han solucionado todos los problemas que he tenido. Recomendables!»
Digital World
Monto Alan

Feugiat pretium nibh ipsum consequat nisl vel pretium. Volutpat commodo sed egestas egestas fringilla phasellus faucibus scelerisque eleifend massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar sapien et ligula.
Kelly Miller